The IMBIBE Research Laboratory is committed to publishing our results in scientific journals for information dissemination and reference.
Hazel O. Arceo, Joey P. Cabasan, Rhea Mae A. Luciano, Lovely Joy D. Heyres, Samuel S. Mamauag, and Porfirio M. Aliño. 2020. Estimating the Potential Fisheries Production of Three Offshore Reefs in the West Philippine Sea, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science. 149 (3): 647-658
Rodriguez, MVB. Segumalian, C.S. Lalas, J.A and Maningas JMC. 2020 Octocorals outcompete scleractinian corals in a degraded reef. IOP Conf. Series. Earth and Environmental Science. 420. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012027
Baria-Rodriguez, MVB. dela Cruz, DW. Dizon, RM. Yap, HT. and Villanueva RD.2019. Performance and cost‐effectiveness of sexually produced Acropora granulosa juveniles compared with asexually generated coral fragments in restoring degraded reef areas. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 29:891–900. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3132
Santiago, V. S., Manzano, G. G., Yu, C. C., Aliño, P. M., and Salvador-Reyes, L. A. 2019. Mariculture potential of renieramycin-producing Philippine blue sponge Xestospongia sp. (Porifera: Haplosclerida). Aquaculture, 502, 356–364. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.12.059
Benjamin, C.S. Punongbayan, A.T. dela Cruz, D.W. Villanueva, R.D. Baria, M.V.B., Yap, H.T. 2017. Use of Bayesian analysis with individual‐based modeling to project outcomes of coral restoration. Restoration Ecology. 25 (1): 112-122. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12395
Cabasan, J.P. Solier, M.G.D.S.M. Manuel, L.T, Paradela, M.A.C. Nañola, C.L. Morphological differentiation in the population of three reef fishes with varying pelagic larval strategies in the southern Philippine Seas. 2017. Coastal Ecosystems. Vol 4: 1-11
Paxton CW, MVB Baria, VM Weis, S Harii. 2016. Effect of elevated temperature on fecundity and reproductive timing in the coral Acropora digitifera. Zygote 24 (4): 511-516
Baria MVB, H Kurihara, S Harii. 2015. Tolerance to elevated temperature and ocean acidification of the larvae of the solitary corals Fungia fungites (Linnaues, 1758) and Lithophyllon repanda (Dana, 1846). Zoological Science. 32 (5): 447-454
Edwards, AJ, Guest JR, Heyward AJ, Villanueva RD, Baria MV, Bollozos IS, Golbuu Y. 2015. Direct seeding of mass-cultured coral larvae is not an effective option for reef rehabilitation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 525:105-116
JR Guest, MV Baria, ED Gomez, AJ Heyward, AJ Edwards. 2014. Closing the circle: is it feasible to rehabilitate reefs with sexually propagated corals? Coral Reefs 33 (1): 45-55
dela Cruz DW, RD Villanueva, MVB Baria. 2014. Community-based, low-tech method of restoring a lost thicket of Acropora corals. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (7): 1866-1875
Villanueva RD, MVB Baria, DW dela Cruz. 2013. Effects of grazing by herbivorous gastropod (Trochus niloticus) on the survivorship of cultured coral spat. Zoological Studies 52:44
Baria MVB, DW dela Cruz, RD Villanueva, JR Guest. 2012. Spawning of three-year-old Acropora millepora corals reared from larvae in northwestern Philippines. Bulletin of Marine Science 88 (1): 61-62
RD Villanueva, MVB Baria, DW dela Cruz. 2012. Growth and survivorship of juvenile corals outplanted to degraded reef areas in Bolinao-Anda Reef Complex, Philippines. Marine Biology Research 8 (9): 887-884
RD Villanueva, MVB Baria, DW dela Cruz, RM Dizon. 2011. Diel timing of planulation and larval settlement in the coral Isopora cuneata (Scleractinia: Acroporidae). Hydrobiologia. 673 (1): 273-379
MVB Baria, JR Guest, AJ Edwards, PM Aliño, AJ Heyward, ED Gomez. 2010. Caging enhances post-settlement survival of juveniles of the scleractinian coral Acropora tenuis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 294 (1-2): 149-153.
KC Vicentuan, JR Guest, MV Baria, PC Cabaitan, RM Dizon, RD Villanueva, PM Aliño, ED Gomez. Multi-species spawning of corals in north-western Philippines. Coral Reefs 27:83